

2005年發行第一張專輯 《How to Save a Life》後,就受到矚目的The Fray(衝突樂團)

在2009年發行了他們的第二張專輯《同名專輯The Fray》, 兩張專輯裡的歌都有分別提名過葛萊美大賞,

雖然還沒有拿到葛萊美獎過,可是沒辦法,誰叫他們的對手超強勁的,是ColdplayMaroon 5還有 Black Eyed Peas



他們的風格也比較類似ColdplayMaroon 5

都是走另類搖滾Alternative Rock, Pop Rock(就是比較舒服抒情不會超激烈的那種)。

主唱的歌聲偶爾會讓我聯想到Bloc Party,曲調節奏又有點Mute Math,並沒有誰抄誰,不過就會有類似的感覺。


The Fray

樂團成員 Members:

Isaac Slade :主唱和鋼琴 lead vocalist

Joe King :吉他演唱 The guitarist, backing vocalist, songwriter  and co-founder

Ben Wysocki :鼓手及打擊樂器The drummer

Dave Welsh :主吉他手 Lead guitar


警告標誌:看了這支MV就會愛上The Fray!!!!!! 請自行斟酌!    (ㄟ.......我覺得啦!)

The Fray - You Found Me

You Found Me


The Fray身著黑衣佇立在一旁,更像四位可愛帥氣的死神。大家有沒有發現呢?(→拜託,大家都知道,除了你?)





其實那名女性應該會覺得The Fray的死神太帥了,帶走我吧!(那是說你吧!)



.三座 Billboard 音樂獎得主,美國另類鋼琴搖滾樂團繼雙白金專輯《How to Save a Life》後睽違四年09年全新大作,預計全美專輯榜坐二望一
.收 錄電視影集《Lost檔案》第五季宣傳曲〈You Found Me〉,已奪下美國單曲榜Top7、澳洲榜冠軍

另類搖滾樂隊The Fray 2002年在美國丹佛市成立,由4人組成,包括:同為校友的Isaac Slade(主唱和鋼琴)和Joe King(吉他,演唱)以及後加入的Dave Welsh(吉他)和Ben Wysocki(鼓手及打擊樂器)。

.三座Billboard音樂獎得主,美國另類鋼琴搖滾樂團繼雙白金專輯《How to Save a Life》後睽違四年09年全新大作,預計全美專輯榜坐二望一.收錄電視影集《Lost檔案》第五季宣傳曲〈You Found Me〉,已奪下美國單曲榜Top7、澳洲榜冠軍橫掃美國的暢銷樂團-..(更 多專輯介紹)

經過三年的努力,在2005年的9月終於推出了首張專輯《How to Save a Life》,而之前的單曲《Over My Head (Cable Car)》則最早出現在電影原聲大碟《Stealth》之中。樂隊風格與英國的Coldplay和Keane相似,但The Fray 的特點在於樂隊對鋼琴的鍾 愛。

專輯中的主打歌曲 《Over My Head (Cable Car)》無疑是一首值得多聽幾遍的歌曲,而標題歌曲《How to Save a Life》來得更加的抒情,開場的鋼琴絕對讓人沉醉,歌曲也在很大程度上和《Over My Head (Cable Car)》打成平手,專輯在美國本土賣了150萬張,在BILLBOARD專輯榜上更是排到了前12名的位置。

首度直取專輯排行冠軍寶座 可說是這個來自美國丹佛的搖滾樂團出道來最佳成績,而且單週銷售也輕鬆超越上張專輯《生命誠可貴How to Save A Life》在06年耶誕假期寫下的15萬張銷量。近來在美國爆紅的衝突樂團,2005年發行的首張專輯《生命誠可貴》總共在榜上停留92週,寫下 〈Over My Head (Cable Car)〉(No. 8)、〈How to Save a Life〉 (No. 3)、〈Look After You〉(No. 59)三首排行金曲,2006年底,《生命誠可貴》正式超越酷玩樂團專輯《XY密碼》,創下全美史上最暢銷數位專輯〈#1 digital album of all time〉紀錄,也登上史上最強初登場數位銷售專輯的十大歌手之列。

橫掃美國的暢銷樂團 --衝 突樂團〈The Fray〉所發行的第二張專輯《同名專輯The Fray》,在剛剛公佈的美國告牌專輯榜上以近18萬張(179,278)銷售空降本週全美專輯榜冠軍!

新專輯先聲奪人的首支單曲〈You Found Me〉也在美國強力造勢下造成轟動,除了成為電視影集《Lost檔案》第五季預告片主題曲外,全美音樂獎現場演唱、Jimmy Kimmel脫口秀、早安美國等都全部淪陷;撂下單曲榜第七名、成人Top40亞軍的〈You Found Me〉從去年十一月上架後已創下近百萬的銷售成績,音樂錄影帶還在VH1頻道多次獲得冠軍,這次發片還獲選VH1「You Oughta Know」活動主力代言;三月還要繼續進攻傑哥〈Jay Leno〉、艾倫〈Ellen DeGeneres〉兩大天王天后的脫口秀節目。

2002 年在美國丹佛成軍的衝突樂團在四位團員的經營下再次成功征服樂壇,他們全球專輯銷售已經達到320萬張,而光是數位單曲的部份更創下八百萬張的驚人成績!



      唱片:The Fray(同名專輯)
  藝人:The Fray
  公司:SONY & BMG


  01. Syndicate
  02. Absolute
  03. You Found Me
  04. Say When
  05. Never Say Never
  06. Where The Story Ends
  07. Enough For Now
  08. Ungodly Hour
  09. We Build Then We Break
  10. Happiness

The Fray - Never Say Never




  The Fray - Heartless

 這個MV拍攝的很可愛,雖然MV裡都沒有The Fray出現的鏡頭,不過有The Fray插畫人物作為替代,插圖做得相當生動很值得一看.




The Fray - You Found Me




You Found Me歌詞

I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I said, "Where you been?" He said, "Ask anything."

Where were you, when everything was falling apart?
All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang
And all I needed was a call that never came
To the corner of 1st and Amistad

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me.

But in the end everyone ends up alone
Losing her, the only one who's ever known
Who I am, who I'm not and who I wanna to be
No way to know how long she will be next to me

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me.

The early morning, the city breaks
And I've been calling for years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve taking all I'm worth

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Where were you? Where were you?

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor, surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me.

Why'd you have to wait, to find me, to find me?



先前被提名葛萊美的歌有"Over My Head (Cable Car)","How to Save a Life" ,"Never Say Never",

Never Say Never這首歌有拿到其他獎。

可我最喜歡的 "You Found Me"  這首歌,因為他的歌詞所敘述的心境可以有感同身受,曲調比起Never Say Never較喜愛




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